Spiritual Direction with Art

Soul Collage Circle“Through art we can come to an experience of revelation about ourselves and about God.” Christine Valters Paintner and Betsey Beckman.
Through creativity we can move beyond words and into new experiences of God. This isn’t just for artists, though a watercolor artist friend tells me that we are all artists. Awakening the creative spirit is for all of us because all of us are yearning to explore and express our experience and connection to God. Creative expression is another gateway into this connection.
Judy offers individual spiritual guidance with creative expression.,. You might wonder what that looks like. Similar to conversational spiritual direction, it begins and ends with prayer or meditation. There might be a spiritual reading to help guide the time. There might be questions asked that pertain to your spiritual journey or a particular issue you are facing. You explore through image and color. This is time for you and whatever exploration you want to do. Then we come back together and we listen to what the experience was like for you. We aren’t focused on outcome, but on process. We pay attention to feelings and any resonances or dissonances.
Also offered are classes integrating creative expression with spiritual exploration. Visit the “Classes and Retreats” page for current offerings. In addition, Judy can custom a class or retreat for your group.

Although we may live tragically removed from the heart of our being, deep within us and deep within the universe is the will of God, the holy longing for oneness. (John Philip Newell)

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Nurturing the Contemplative and Creative